What Counts as Genuine Savings in a Loan Application?
When you apply for a home loan, particularly if the loan is for more than 80 per cent of a property’s value, you’ll more than likely have...
Asset Finance 101
Looking to finance an asset but not sure about the options available? Here, we take a look at the extensive range of Asset Finance options a
Comparison Rates Explained
Comparing apples with oranges doesn’t make sense. To make finding the right loan easier, and to make advertised rates as transparent as...
Commercial Finance 101
Along with your home loan a mortgage broker can also help you with your business loans. There are several types of commercial finance...
Should You Get Pre-Approval for a Home Loan?
Obtaining pre-approval for your loan is an important part of the home-buying process, and for most people, the first step in the process.
August 2018 RBA Decision: Cash Rate Remains at 1.50% pa
No change as RBA holds ground on interest rates. No news is good news. With experts predicting the next move is up, the news that rates...